Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In the beginning there was... an aim.

"Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim." - Aristotle. 

For me encounters with my social conscience are a daily occurrence, a mixture of intention and (in)action which I often struggle to reconcile. This blog is an exploration of the internal battle; I’m taking it external, stripping it back and laying it bare for the world to see, with the blogosphere and as my mediator, regulator and guide.

I don't claim to be a saint nor do I have any plans to become one and whilst it would be nice to achieve world peace my aims are much more modest. What I know is that each of us has the capacity do some good and whether we're fulfilling our potential or not, there seems to be little discussion of it. So why aren't we talking about it? Does the silence speak of our inaction and guilt because we know we can and should be contributing but aren't? Or, do we keep quiet to avoid the public perception of the hedonistic do-gooder who only speaks of their deeds to boost their own image and esteem? Perhaps it is both or neither but either way I think that becoming involved in this dialogue has great potential to bridge the gap between intention and action.

I want to be held responsible and I want to be inspired. This blog is the platform for my journey into the social conscience and I hope that readers will join with me and come along for the ride. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated!


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