Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shopping Ethically: let your $$$ do the talking

iPhone App of the Week
I have no qualms in admitting I'm aesthetically motivated. I'm a marketer's dream, put the right packaging in front of me and I'm sold! Although as I've grown older and wiser my tastes have changed, I'm not so drawn to the shiny and new as I am the recycled and pre-loved. Wrap it in brown paper, give it a green tick and I'll take two, thank you very much. Don't worry, I'm not so naive as to assume that the increasing amount of environmentally friendly packaging isn't a clever marketing ploy in itself. After all, being green is becoming quite fashionable and with popularity comes profit but in this case is that really such a bad thing? As long as these companies are living up to their labels I'm happy for them to continue conjuring up environmentally friendly connotations of their products until the polar ice caps melt.

So it should come as no surprise that whilst updating the apps on my phone today, the above icon for the "App of the Week" caught my eye. Without delving too much into the semiotic analysis: brown paper (tick), green tick (double tick) and the word "ethical" (ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!), my somewhat superficial aesthetic compulsions led me to a particularly beautiful discovery being the Shop Ethical! App, which as you've probably already guessed, I purchased today.

Shop Ethical! allows you to vote for sustainable and ethical production with your hard earned dollars. The app gives a run down of the environmental and social record of the companies behind the products we're buying in the supermarket, allowing the consumer to make informed choices and find ethical alternatives to brands that aren't up to scratch. There are over 2,800 products listed (using supporting data from the Ethical Consumer Guide Database) in a format that is quick and easy to navigate and understand. So now I can find all the environmentally friendly and sustainable products with or without the brown paper wrapping... love it! 

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