Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Living the good life


Introducing my new essential items for "living the GOOD life"! 

I'm pleased to announce the nasty, disposable drink bottle(s) littering my handbag, car and eventually the PLANET have now been replaced with one shiny, new, stainless steel bottle which is not only environmentally friendly but also looks better, makes my water taste better (more like water, less like plastic) and is overall a healthier choice. The second item which has been getting a daily work out is my super practical (oh I am getting old aren't I?!) environmentally friendly, fabric bag which zips up inside itself so I now always have one at the ready in my handbag. I'm generally good at refusing (see The REFUSE Pledge) plastic bags, especially when making small purchases, but my spontaneous grocery shops were becoming a plastic bag party because I never had my bulky, fabric bags with me when I needed them. However, I'm happy to report that since purchasing my fabric zip bag I have politely refused every plastic bag offered to me this week.

And last but definitely not least are the beautiful "Kindness Cards" that arrived in the mail from Wake Up Sydney this week. The idea being that when you perform an act of kindness you pass the card on and ask that person to continue the kindess:

"Do something kind and leave this card behind to keep the ripple going."

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